Saturday, May 30, 2015

Race Review for Half Marathons in California

Do you have a race review for a half marathon you participated in located in California?  If so, feel free to submit a half marathon review for consideration!   Here are some great topics runners like to read about in your half marathon review:

Was the race well organized?  Packet pick up, expo, start time, timing, support?

Did this race have an expo, or just a small packet pickup?

Were enough volunteers recruited? How was on course support?  Enough food?  Enough water?

How was the post race party?  Good food? Music?  Enough food?  Enough refreshments & recovery food or drinks? Describe.

How was the medal? below average? average? excellent?  beyond excellent, pretty cool?
Do you have a photo to share of your bling to include?

How was the swag?  Any awesome swag?  Brand of shirt?

How was the cost of the race compared to most half marathons?  about average, a great deal, way too expensive for the swag, bling and support that was provided, well worth the cost for the swag, bling, post race party and support received?

Was this a small race, a medium sized race, or large race?

Was the course scenic?  What was the highlight of the course (or highlights of the course)?
What made the course fun (or totally boring)?
Do you have any good scenic course photos to send us?

Describe the course.  Was it flat?  Rollers the whole way?  Flat with one big monster hill?  All up?  All down?  All up then all down? etc.  Was it shaded?  Trees, dessert, mountainous, city streets, all neighborhoods, through a park, etc?

We love to hear from our half marathon runners about all the half marathon races out there that you love, like, or didn't care for, and appreciate your feedback.  We may share your review in multiple locations such as our half marathon blogs, or possibly even on  You can ask to be published anonymously if you'd like, but we do need your information in order to publish.

Happy Running!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Half Marathons in California March 14th and 15th

For March 14th and 15th Half Marathons in California, we have a little St. Paddy's going on, and a little wine country action going on.

On Saturday the 14th of March, there is the Zombie Runner San Francisco Half Marathon in Fremont, California, and the Badger Cove Half Marathon in Livermore, California.

Taking place on Sunday March 15th, we have Blue Diamond Almonds Shamrock'n Half Marathon in Sarcamento;  California Classic Half Marathon in Fresno;  Go Green St. Patrick's Day Half Marathon in Los Gatos;  Run East County Half Marathon in El Cajon; Wine Country Half Marathon Las Gatos;  and Rock'n Shamrock Half Marathon in Van Nuys, California.

Half Marathons in California March 7th and 8th

Who's all running a half marathon in California this weekend, first full March weekend of 2015?! Hopefully you will all have some nice spring weather this weekend!  This weekend on the docket we have the Bidwell Classic Half Marathon in Chico, California; the Sanborn Park Trail Half Marathon in Saratoga, California; the San Joaquin River Trail 1/2 Marathon in Aubrey, California; Lucky 13 Half Marathon in Davis, California;  The Lost Trail Half Marathon in Granite, California; the San Diego Half Marathon, of course in San Diego; Run-Through-Redlands Half Marathon in Redland, California; and the Beach Dash Half Marathon in Long Beach, California.  For full info on California half marathons March 7th and 8th, visit the California Half Marathons page.


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

California Half Marathons Feb 21 and Feb 22 2015

4 half marathons this weekend in Cool, California; Pacifica, California; Castro Valley, California; and Ventura, California ... 

Montara Mountain Trail 1/2 Marathon, Marathon, 50k, 10k

FOURmidable Half Marathon 13.1m, 50k, 100k

Chabot Trail Run Half Marathon, 50k, 30k, 10k

Seaside Half Marathon, 5k, 10k