Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Have a California Half Marathon Race Review? OR are you a Race Director or Event Organizer in California?

Feel free to share with us your Half Marathon race reviews.

What to share?

Course description:  flat, hilly, rollers, scenic

Best moment of the race?

What could they improve on if anything?




Aid Stations?

Post Party entertainment?


Are you a Race Director or Event Organizer and want to improve your website for athletes?
Read the Article at this site
What do you Include on your Website?:  

Do you want to advertise your event on one of our State Pages at
 Half Marathon Calendar 2012 ?
We are running a special, advertise 2 consecutive months or longer and we'll give you the ad for only $100/month!!!!
Contact us for availability of the ad spot you'd like.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Surf City Half Marathon 2012 Race Review

Race Review by Fifty States HALF Marathon Club official member George Pugh:

2/5/2012 - Surf City Half Marathon, Huntington Beach, California was by far the best distance event I have participated in so far, which includes 72 Half Marathons and 2 Fool Marathons! Everything from the Expo and packet pick up (they even had volunteers who would dog watch while their humans went through the Expo tent), to the parking and start line buses, course layout, mile markers, finish line, after snacks, and even the weather was absolutely PERFECT! The only flaw in my race day were some tight calves (remnants of the cramps in Maui) and a required pit stop at the four mile mark, but I managed to keep plugging away at the miles finishing in an OK-Good 2:24:34. A nice story along the way was that I was talking with a 58 year old from Winnipeg at the start line and we criss-crossed paths throughout the race. Heading toward the finish line I caught up to him and we pushed each other to the end finishing with the exact same time. A dip in the Pacific Ocean and ice cream later with my cousins Patti and Margie concluded a great day. I highly recommend this race and plan on doing it again.